Games News

EPIC.LAN 42 Day Two Live Article

After yesterday’s coverage at EPIC.LAN 42, we’re back again today for the second day of the event and for live coverage. This time around we’ll cover all the results and maps played in the series, and highlight any upsets that come through.

For the results and placements from yesterday’s matches, please check out out day one round-up here. For the structure below, we’ll set it up based on the scheduled match start times.

Lower Bracket Round Two

Start time: 10:00 AM

Girl Scouts 0-1 (5-13 Nuke, Inferno, Ancient) GET BDOG’D
Belfast Storm 1-0 (9-13 Nuke, TBC) DreamsToLegends
Reason Gaming 1-0 (13-9 Vertigo, Anubis, TBC) TYREECESIMPSON
BLUEJAYS Royal 0-1 (11-13 Mirage, TBC) hedgehogpeek

Upper Bracket Semi Final

Start time: 1:00 PM

Invictum vs Annex
Verdant vs The Last Resort

Lower Bracket Round Two

Matches TBC


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